Why Certify?
Here at OrganicBox, we aim to source all of our produce from Australian Certified Organic (ACO) suppliers, and of course we are not only ACO certified retailers but both our farms are ACO certified as well. Our other choice of certification is NASAA certified growers. This is why you see the ACO “bud” logo proudly displayed across our branding and packaging.
What is Organic?
Holistic Approach to Farming
Organic produce is not simply pesticide-free. It embodies a holistic approach to the propagation, farming, production and distribution of produce. The system is linked to form a symbiotic relationship between soil, plants, animals, people and the environment.
Environmentally Friendly
Certified Organic products are grown and processed without the use of synthetic chemicals, fertilisers, or GMO’s. The processes used must also conform to various environmental practices, aimed at reducing the agricultural strain on our environment.
Why Australian Certified Organic?
The ACO bud logo is proof that your produce complies with the highest Australian organic standards. This is very important as some products falsely claim to be organic, and organic produce certified outside of Australia is often less stringently regulated.
Organic certification involves auditing an producer’s methods to ensure that they comply with the guidelines of organic production. Here at OrganicBox, we have achieved Australian Certified Organic (ACO) certification, which is one of the most difficult to achieve, even in Australia.
Rigorous standards
The ACO standards are upheld by rigorous auditing of operations and a third party report reviewing process. This process itself is audited by government departments and authorities worldwide for ACO to maintain its accreditation as an international certifier.
All links in the chain
Wholesalers, retailers and consumers alike all know that the BUD logo is their guarantee of organic integrity. Every step of the process (from paddock to plate) must be audited according to the Organic Standard to be able to market a product using the sought-after organic BUD logo.
Your Choice
Here at OrganicBox, we would like to thank you again for choosing us. By choosing OrganicBox, you are choosing Australian Certified Organic produce.
You are a part of the change in conventional farming; fighting back against the animal cruelty, environmental damage and public health nightmare that our agricultural industry has become.
We want to thank you again, and hope that you are having a wonderful Sunday.
Please remember that orders close at midnight so you don't miss out on your delicious organic goodies! If you want to be added to our SMS reminder, please just contact us.
Also, please keep swaps and changes to below two, as we are so busy. If you need more changes you may wish to create your own box - just ask us how.