Toxins build up in our bodies and minds and can manifest in our bodies in various ways. Why not make some time in your life to invest in your body by learning how to detox your life – it will thank you for it. The main benefits of detoxifying your body are weight loss and improved health and immunity. Although your body has an innate ability to detox, overloading it with toxins from the environment and placing additional stress on our minds and bodies can take its toll and a detox diet can help to optimise your body's detoxification system.
Detoxifying can help with:
- Fatigue
- Constipation
- Skin complaints
- Allergies
- Infections
- Bloating
- Menstruation problems
- Psychological issues
Detox your Body
Avoid Environmental Toxins with Organic Groceries
The scary truth is that Australia’s groceries are often prolifically tainted with genetic modification and harmful toxic chemicals such as Glyphosate (the asbestos of our generation), routine antibiotics, growth hormones, artificial flavours and almost 300 different pesticides.
Without buying certified organic groceries, you have no idea what awful chemicals are lingering on your fruit, veggies, meat and dairy.
Buying organic groceries is the first step in avoiding environmental toxins, but you can also avoid using products that weed ‘n feed in your garden, as well as avoiding harsh chemicals in your home environment by using natural organic cleaning and beauty products.
Avoid Toxins
Drinking too much alcohol and eating too much sugar reduces your liver’s ability to carry out its normal functions, such as detoxifying alcohol and sugars.
Get a good night’s sleep
Sleep is the body’s means of detoxing by rejuvenating tired cells and muscles, reenergising your body and mind for the next day. Adults need at least 7 – 9 hours of unbroken sleep each night, and sleep generally works in 4-hour cycles.
It is also important to honour your meridian function by getting to sleep at the same time each night. Research has shown that shift workers have higher rates of heart disease, cancer and depression and this is likely to do with a dysfunctional meridian.
If you struggle with getting to sleep, you could try:
- Organic herbal chamomile tea with honey can be helpful, but try to allow time between sleeping and drinking or eating as this can be overstimulating.
- Creating routine. Your body is programmed to work to a set cycle, and eating, exercising, enjoying sunlight and sleeping at a regular time can all play a significant part in helping your body to relax and sleep easily when the time is right.
- Burn organic lavender oil or give yourself a calming massage to relax just before bed.
- Take magnesium supplements or eat foods high in magnesium such bananas.
- Accept that it is okay to say no to things and to put yourself first so that you are ready for bed in time.
Drink LOTS of water
Water acts as a natural body filtration system, detoxifying by cleansing the liver and kidneys and purifying the blood. Try to drink at least 6-8 glasses each day, with a higher intake when you are feeling stressed.
Exercise is a biological process that regulates our bodies and helps to create rhythms of sleep, digestion and healing.
Today, technology and processes have made things so simplified and ‘easy’ that we don’t need exercise to achieve basic needs such as shelter and food. But we DO need exercise to create rhythms within our bodies that regulate our hormones and nurture our bodies. Studies have shown that exercise assists the lungs, kidneys, immune system and intestines in naturally detoxifying the body.
Exercise also involving the breath and meditation such as Yoga and Tai Chi have the added bonus of helping to detoxify your mind but all exercise has the capacity to become meditative and to improve mood via the release of hormones and endorphins.
Detox Your Thoughts
Do Good
It has been proven that people who help others or support a cause feel better about themselves. By purchasing organic groceries, you are supporting an environmental cause and helping to increase food security by working with nature to promote healthy soils, plants, air and wildlife.
Stay Positive
Trying to keep your thoughts pure and positive, while keeping criticism at bay can significantly affect your mood. Research has shown that when comparing groups who practiced positive thinking with those who didn’t, the positive thinking group was able to significantly reduce depressive symptoms and keep them at bay long term.
Creating positive affirmations and placing them around your home is a great way to encourage positive thinking. Another way is to journal negative thoughts as you catch them and try to think of a way to reframe the negative thought into a positive one by focusing on a positive aspect to the situation or on a way to frame it as ‘solvable’ and the positive outcome.
Simplify Your Life
Our lives have become increasingly stressful and focussed on what we achieve. But does this actually make us happier? The benefits of simplifying your life by becoming mindful of the experiences and journey leading to the outcome rather than focussing on its ultimate success will have a significant impact on your mood. Having less of a focus on outcomes will allow you to remove the parts of your life that only serve to achieve, rather than actually making you happy.
Gratitude Attitude
We all have things to be grateful in our lives. You may want to focus on your talents, your family and friends, your freedoms and abilities. In any situation, there is always something to be grateful for. The benefits of practicing gratitude have a proven impact on your mood and health.
Detox Your Relationships
Be Kind to Others…
Doing things for others such as helping them or giving them gifts will also help you to be healthier and happier. You may want to give a special present to an elderly or lonely friend or relative, volunteer at a shelter or simply make a special meal and invite the people you love over.
When interacting with other people, they are bound to annoy us sometimes. If you can try to act with kindness, it will help you to avoid the toxicity of arguments and anger.
But Also Be Kind To Yourself
However, it is most important that you are kind to yourself. If a relationship or activity is toxic and it can’t be resolved with kindness, it is sometimes best to avoid them altogether. It is okay for you to politely excuse yourself and walk away from a conversation that is making you unhappy or to say no to excessively socialising with people that are making you unhappy. Remember that you are your most important relationship and you deserve a happy and healthy life!
The OrganicBox Detox Box
Keep an eye out, because we often run special organic detox kits. We sell the FRIDGE PACK and the PANTRY PACK separately as you may have these items already in your cupboard. Our Fridge and Pantry packs are all certified organic. We strongly recommend you only use organic produce to ensure you are not adding toxins or chemicals to your system and get the full benefit of doing a detox.
7 Day Soup and Smoothie Box
0.5 KG Cucumbers, Leb per kg
6 EA Avocado, each
0.3 KG Beans, per kg
2 EA Cauliflower, each
0.5 KG Apples - Juicing per kg (green if possible)
1 EA Coriander, per bunch
0.25 KG Ginger (fresh), per kg
4 EA Spinach, Baby 100g
1 EA Parsley, per bunch
1 EA Garlic EACH, 50g
1.5 KG Broccoli, per kg
1 EA Kale (Tuscan or Green)
1.25 KG Zucchini per kg
2 KG Pumpkin - Jap per kg
2 KG Bananas, per kg (ripe as possible pls)
1 EA Pineapple each
1 EA OOB Frozen Blueberries 450g
0.1 KG Turmeric per kg (if possible)
1 EA Mint per bunch
0.5 KG Lemons, per kg (3 EACH)
0.25 KG Dates, Medjool per kg (10 dates)
Fridge Pack
1 x Organic Stock Concentrate (Chicken, Beef or Vegetable)
3 x Organic Coconut Milk 1 litre
3 x Organic Coconut Water 1 litre
1 x Organic Coconut Oil 310ml
4 x Organic Nut Milk (Almond or Oat)
1 x KI Raw Organic Honey 250g
Pantry Pack - enough for the full 7 days
Lemongrass powder
Cayenne Pepper
Cumin powder
Coriander Powder
Himalayan Pink Salt
Garam Masala
Turmeric Powder
Ginger Powder
Cacao Powder
Chia Seeds
Organic Vegan Raw Protein Powder
Green Powder
1 x pack Detox Tea Bags pack