Photo copyright Audrey Popov via
Your health is your most valuable asset.
It's a big statement. You may own a house, car, have family and friends who you love.
But it isn't until your health begins to deteriorate that you realise how overwhelmingly important it is. Ultimately, your life depends on it.
Please don't think of buying good, healthy food as an expense. It is truly an investment in your body and an insurance policy on your health.
Please read on for five ways that you can invest in your health, eating organic included!
1. Eat organic food
Although studies show that organic produce possesses a higher nutrient content, the true investment is in what you are NOT getting. You are not getting toxic pesticides, fungicides, herbicides and GMO, along with the cancers, auto-immune diseases and reproductive and developmental problems that they cause.
2. Meditate daily
Daily meditation has been proven to promote mental health and boost the immune system. It is as simple as downloading an app, putting a 10-minute guided meditation on YouTube, or simply going somewhere quiet, lighting a candle, and focusing on the flame while allowing your thoughts to float by.
3. Eat probiotics daily
Good gut health is linked to a range of health benefits, including lower rates of cancers, depression and anxiety, and a boost in the immune system. Some great ways to get your daily dose of probiotics are fermented foods such as tempeh and sauerkraut and yoghurt.
4. Journal daily
Studies have shown that any form of journaling will help to alleviate stress and anxiety and boost your mood. In particular, writing down something you are grateful for each evening has shown to help you feel healthier and boost self-esteem.
5. Sleep for an average of 8 hours every night
Sleep is essential for our bodies to repair and regenerate. You can ensure that you get a good night’s sleep by drinking herbs such as valerian or chamomile tea before bed and eating plenty of magnesium rich foods such as spinach, quinoa, nuts, and tofu.