Earthly Abundance: 5 Reasons to Choose Organic Wine


5 Reasons to Choose Organic Wine

Photo copyright Vinocaterium via

Did you know that OrganicBox stocks Organic Alcohol? Beyond its delightful flavours and aromas, organic wine such as the Earthly Abundance range of wines offer a variety of advantages that are good for the health of you and our Mother Earth. 

Let's explore five reasons why choosing organic wine is a choice worth considering. 

1. Organic Wine is Made From Organic Grapes

Grapes continually make the cut for the Environmental Working Group’s (EWG) Annual Dirty Dozen List. Coming in at number 4 of 46 tested fruit and vegetables, grapes are one of the most contaminated produce for pesticide residues, even after washing. Items on this list are recommended by the EWG toxicologist, dieticians and medical professionals to choose organic or wash very well where possible, but unfortunately you can’t wash wine!

The organic industry is stringently regulated in Australia, and choosing certified organic wine guarantees that you are avoiding a toxic concoction in your Grenache.

2. Less Preservatives

Sulphites (Sulphur Dioxide, 202) are a group of preservatives found in standard wines that can cause headaches, increased severity of hangovers and allergic symptoms. Organic wines are regulated to allow a far lower quantity of sulphites per bottle, making it far better for your health to consume.

3. No Added Sugars

Many winemakers add sugars to their wine via the natural fermentation process, or deliberately in order to disguise imperfections or poor quality grapes. As organic wine does not have added sugars, it is healthier for diabetics and those trying to lose weight.

4. Natural and Sustainable Farming Practices

Organic winemaking embraces sustainable farming practices that prioritize soil health, biodiversity, and ecosystem preservation. Organic vineyards refrain from using synthetic pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers, opting instead for natural alternatives that promote environmental sustainability.

5. Increased Antioxidants

Resveratrol, which can be found in red wine, has been shown to lower cholesterol and help prevent cancer, but not all of it survives the process of non-organic winemaking.

 A study published in the Journal of Wine Research found that organic wines have higher antioxidant and resveratrol activity, with total polyphenol levels up to 32 percent higher compared to conventional wine.

Next time you shop for wine, consider exploring organic options to experience the distinctive qualities and benefits of organic winemaking. Your choice can make a meaningful impact on both your enjoyment and your commitment to sustainability.

About Earthly Abundance

We thought we would share the story behind our current line of products - Earthly Abundance Certified Organic Legg Block Grenache, Certified Organic Shiraz and Organic Rustic Pear Cider.


The line really came about when we picked up the orchard a few years ago.  The orchard had some old vine Shiraz and Grenache grapes that had not been looked after for some time so we thought 'why not', let's pick them and turn them into a wine!  We definitely are not huge alcohol consumers but we do enjoy the occasional glass of wine.

So we picked the grapes over the Easter weekend that year. Sadly, but ironically, it never rains in Cadell except the day we planned to pick the Shiraz, so unfortunately the whole pick lost its sugar level making it unsuitable to bottle as a stand alone Shiraz so it was sold off to be added to a blend.  We were glad to be able to recoup some of the expenses but pretty devastated to have lost the bulk of the wine, and Shiraz is our favourite wine. However the following year, we were able to create our first Certified Organic Shiraz!

We had never actually tried a Grenache but we decided to pick them and thankfully they were fine, so our wine maker worked his magic and we ended up with the most amazing wine - we were actually so proud of it and blown away with it that we entered it into the Australian Organic Wine Awards 2021.   

Our wine maker describes our Certified Organic Grenache as: Bright purple in colour with very aromatic notes of red fruits, raspberries and flowers with a light-medium bodied palate showing plenty of juicy fruits, berries and spice with fine natural tannins giving a long fresh finish.

Some of the reviews are

"We pretty much never drink red wine (don't even have proper wine glasses) but the Earthly Abundance Grenache is so soft and nice, Chris drank 3 x glasses the night we opened the bottle"

"As you pour this fine liquid into your glass you a greater with a very soft marble red colour , and from the first drop to the last drop this red wine keep you going back for more , with a lonnngggg lasting finish on the palate you will be amazed at how fresh and light this is , with no chemical taste or furriness on the tongue this Grenache is of fine quality"

Pear Cider

Being a supplier for the big supermarkets and interstate wholesale markets we have to stick to stringent rules on the quality of fruit that is packed.  To be honest this annoys the heck out of us because even a small blemish does not downgrade the taste and nutrient value, but the supermarkets and wholesalers won’t take it without it passing a two page specification regulation which is why all the fruit is graded before packing.  

It’s actually tough because you've already paid for the watering, insurance, food, pruning, picking, grading and every other expense for it to be tossed aside as seconds.  We had nearly 7 tonne of seconds pears that we did not want to waste (it was still good fruit!).  We know dried pear doesn't sell, nor does pear juice now - so we jokingly asked our wine maker if he'd consider trying a cider, and to our surprise he said yes!!!! 

After the first day we delivered the pears he probably changed his mind because a week out of wine vintage he clogged up his grape crusher with pears ~ I am sure that there was some cursing with our names included LOL.  Anyway, it all worked out in the end and pear cider was created.  We had it sit there for around seven months while we found a bottler/carbonator that could do a small batch.  Sadly, the certified organic bottler only does large batches which is why we have not certified our cider yet - but it is only made with certified organic pears!

Luckily the bottler we used is now in the process of certification so the cider will be certified organic this year!

 Anyway, when we finally got to have a taste and look at the cider, we were really happy that it was cloudy, and it actually tasted like pear but had a kombucha kick to it, and we did not want a sweet cider.  We really wanted to maintain this for the bottling but on discussion they said that it would need to be filtered to reduce the risk of the bottles exploding if any sugar was left in the cider.  After discussions with the wine maker, we knew there was no 'sugar' left in the mix, just the natural sweetness of the pears lingering, so we worked with the bottling and carbonation plant to see if there was any way possible we could bottle it as it was.  They were actually blown away with what the wine maker had created with the cider, and they are a large well known Adelaide Hills Cider and Wine company.  

After running all the required tests, they came back and said that they could actually bottle it as it was with nothing added e.g. no sugar added.  We were over the moon because we didn't want it filtered and we didn't want it sweet like everything else on the market.  It's actually a highly unique product in that it is made with hand-picked certified organic crushed single variety pears (not a concentrate and sugar like most the ciders on the market), it's dry yet has a lingering sweetness but like a kombucha.  

Make sure to grab a bottle or two just to taste.

The wine maker describes it as: Pale straw in colour with rustic authenticity throughout showing lifted aromatics of pears, flowers and honey with juicy flavours, notes of kombucha and fine tart acidity balanced with subtle residual sweetness giving a refreshing, balanced and flavoursome drink.

Reviews so far are

"Well what can you say when I usually hear pear cider I think sweetness and sugar high, well not with this one as I cracked the lid and had a big sniff the smell of earth come flowing out, as soon as the bubbly essence hit my tongue I was amazed at the complete difference between organic love and mass produced. The hit of honey with the squeeze of pear was second to none and as you close your eyes you feel as though you’re tasting something from Mother nature the softness yet piercing flavours will have you going back for more and more...."

 "A delicious smooth taste sensation of earthy fruits. A pleasant surprise for those looking for a dry less sweet option - what I love the best"

"Earthly Abundance Pear Cider is a lovely, slightly drier pear cider. On standing it mellows out to a gentle sweetness with a slight floral overtone. I can see it being popular poured over ice cubes on a hot summer day"

Where to Buy Best Organic Wine

 Wine Time Organic Hamper

We advocate limited, safe and healthy alcohol consumption 
** You must be 18 years and older to purchase wine

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